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How to put on NeuroBall?

We will now show you how to place your hand onto the NeuroBall. The NeuroBall can be used for the right or for the left hand. For the right hand, you’ll please the short strap on the right side. And for the left hand, you’ll place it on the left side. The NeuroBall has a locking mechanism, which can be placed in the base to keep the NeuroBall secure while putting it on. You place your hand into the ball, with a thumb in the thumb strap, and the pinky on the outside of the support or on the inside with the ring finger. The short strap goes around the pinky side, and the long tail-strap does around the thumb side and you secure it with velcro.Then you just bring the strap through the loop and secure it to the rest. Once you’re in, you remove the locking mechanism from the base and you press the power button until you see a blue light. This allows you to move in different directions - tilt left and right for Supination/Pronation, and move forward and backwards for Flexion and Extension. You can also bend and straighten your fingers. You are all set to begin with your NeuroBall therapy!

How to put on NeuroBall with spasticity - Method 1

If you have increased tone in spasticity in the elbow and hand, you may want to try an alternate technique of putting on the NeuroBall. Place the NeuroBall in your lap. Tilt your hand forward. This movement should relax the fingers. Place the hand in the NeuroBall and fasten it with straps. Short end strap on the pinky side and long end strap on the thumb side. Join the straps together on the velcro pieces to secure the device.

How to put on NeuroBall with spasticity - Method 2

If you have increased tone in spasticity in the hand and fingers, you can tilt the NeuroBall flooring in the base. Then tilt your hand forward to help to relax the fingers and place the hand in the NeuroBall.Fasten it with straps: Short-end strap on the pinky side and long-end strap on the thumb side. Join the straps together on the velcro pieces to secure the device.

Remove knuckle guard to fit hand in NeuroBall

We strongly recommend keeping the knuckle protector attached for comfort. Removing the knuckle protector may increase friction on the user’s skin and is done at the user’s own risk.

If you are encountering difficulty fitting your fingers into the knuckle guard, simply remove the guard to create more space. To ensure your skin is protected from abrasions, you may choose to add foam or padding to the plastic parts.

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