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How calib works
movcalib explained
hand/NB positin in warmup
skipping recalibration
NB connected

NeuroBall Device

How calibration works
Please refer to this PDF document to read instructions.

Movement Calibration Screens Explained

Positioning the NeuroBall in warm up screen

position hand.png

Skipping recalibration
It’s important to perform the calibration at least once per session. If the calibration doesn’t match your preferences, you may want to recalibrate. However, if you wish to skip the calibration process, simply tap on the “Skip” button.


"NeuroBall connected" and battery levels

NeuroBall connected and battery levels.png

Putting your hand in the NeuroBall

Please refer to the video section for instructions on how to put your hand inside of the NeuroBall.

Changing straps
To change straps for either right or left hand, simply follow the instructions provided in the user manual.

Changing straps.png

Putting on straps

Please refer to the video section for more instructions on how to put on the NeuroBall.

put the straps on.png

Replacing long wrist strap

Please refer to image instruction:

long wrist straps.png
putting hand in NB
changing straps
puttin on straps
replacng long wrist strap
hard exiting

Neurofenix App and Tablet

    Enabling Location Permissions

  1. Click on the settings icon.

  2. Scroll down to Privacy.

  3. Click on Permission Manager.

  4. Select Location.

  5. Scroll down to the Neurofenix app and click on it.

  6. Click “Allow only while using this app”.

Hard Exiting the App

To solve many of technical issues, it is recommended to “hard exit” the app before starting a new session. 
Step 1:
Swipe up gently on the bottom of the tablet to reveal a grey bar with three symbols (triangle, circle, and rectangle). 
Step 2:
Tap on the rectangle to see all background app
Step 3:
Tap “Clear all” to close them and increase processing speed without losing any data.

hard exit.png

Turning on location when Neuroball does not appear

  1. Swipe up from bottom of tablet.

  2. Click square symbol

  3. Swipe app up to remove running app

  4. Touch top of screen and drag down settings

  5. Click location

  6. Swipe screen up

  7. Select Neurofenix App

  8. Choose a game of your choice and press Start

  9. Press Skip then Next

  10. Pairing up with the Neuroball screen will appear

  11. Click connect button

How to Update the Neurofenix App​

update app.png
trning on location
Anchor 1
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